Dental Hygienist Schools Enrich Oral Health Care

Individuals who want to have a career as an oral hygienists are encouraged to attend dental hygienist schools where they can earn an associate degree, bachelor's degree, or master's degree. Preventive oral health care education is provided to those who choose to pursue any of the above-mentioned degrees. The only criterion that anybody who is intending to join these courses should keep in mind is that the school should be an accredited one.

Apparently, the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) has approved approximately 301 different dental hygiene programs to be taught in various dental hygienist schools for the benefit of the students who want to study oral health care. Typically, individuals who want to enroll in dental hygienist schools need to meet certain prerequisites. One should have a diploma from the high school and should have scored the minimum marks in the college entrance tests as well. Some advanced level programs might even require a definite period of study in college or some kind of substantial experience in the university.

The kind of degree you have chosen to study decides the kind of career you are going to have in the oral health care field. Look through the list of dental hygienist schools prepared by the American Dental Hygienist Association. It'll give you information on the accredited schools in your area. For further inquiries about the accreditation of a particular dental hygienist school, you can consult the Commission On Dental Accreditation (CODA). There are also universities and colleges that offer online dental hygiene programs.

Depending on the program you have opted for, you are likely to receive your degree and qualification. Obtaining a formal degree is just the first step in carving a career in the field of oral health care. The real work starts from here; it entails obtaining a license permit without which you cannot practice as an oral hygienist in the state of your choice.

You also need to take the American Dental Association's written exam and pass it. To obtain the RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist) license, the individual has to sit for a state clinical exam. In other states, the test on the legal aspects associated with dentistry must be passed by those who aspire to become oral hygienists. They must pass these exams; otherwise, they can't practice as oral hygienists.

In order to register as an oral hygienist, one should have successfully graduated with at least an associate degree of two years that includes both the laboratory work and the classroom education. If a person wishes to train further while he works, he can gain hands-on experience by working in a periodontist office.

The older generation of dentists, who were not so forthcoming about hiring oral hygienists to assist them, is on the verge of retirement. When they retire, the younger dentists may likely hire more oral hygienists. This, in turn, will open up job opportunities for these professionals. In any case, oral health professionals like oral hygienists will be able to respond to the oral health care needs of a growing population. And dental hygienists schools are there to make sure enough oral hygienists are trained.

The role the dental hygienist schools play in contributing to the proper functioning and improvement of oral health care is commendable. Qualified oral hygienists can find employment in various places, including institutions for the disabled, community health care, public health, the armed services, and other programs that are state-sponsored. They stand to have a rewarding career -- one with steady income and lots of opportunities for growth

Dental Assistant Schools: Which Are Among The Best Institutions In The Country

Dental hygienist schools provide the guidance needed to direct aspiring hygienists in the right direction towards a career in dentistry. With demand increasing   across the country for better oral health and care, the field of dentistry has expanded vastly. The trends show that positions for dental assistants and hygienist are expected to increase by nearly 40 percent by 2018, much due in part to newer generation dentist choosing to hire hygienist compared to their elder predecessors. These dentists will expect that those individuals seeking employment at their office have the fundamental skills and training only offered at a dental training schools.

In order for dental hygienist schools to accept your application, the following credentials need to be met first (credentials change depending on the school):

Be 18 years old

Taken Biology, Chemistry, Math and English in high school and passed

Maintain a “C” average or above throughout high school

Gained a diploma or GED from high school

Produced satisfactory scores on college SAT or ACT examinations

Upon completing the above requirements, individuals should be eligible to be accepted by an accredited American Dental Association (ADA) school. They must then graduate with either a certificate, associate's degree, bachelor's degree, or master's degree to be eligible to take their board examinations.

The National Board Dental Hygiene Exam is the next step for individuals after graduating from one of the dental hygienist schools. The exam usually consists of a  written test and a clinical procedure test.  These tests are used by state boards to check the aspiring oral hygienists' qualifications before being licensed as a practicing hygienist. How the student's apply their knowledge of dentistry procedures and their ability to problem-solve in a working environment are the reasons these exams are administered.

States and regions vary the way these examinations are administered. It is import to contact the state one is looking to practice in for further details on which examination will be administered and what steps are needed to qualify for licensure.

There are over 200 ADA accredited schools for dental hygienist. However, out of that number, there are a select few that stand out compared to the rest. The following dental hygienist schools are among the top for the year 2011:

University Southern California

-This school, that is usually ranked as the number one or two dental school in the nation, has a bachelor's degree program that is four years long. The school has an on site dental clinic that benefits the student's training progress with live practice. Students also receive good compensation while studying as a resident.

New York University

-Known as another one of the best dental schools in the country, this university is usually honored for their extremely wide patient pool, exceptional procedure training, and unmatched research.

University of the Pacific

-The Arthur A. Dugoni dentistry school is normally the top dental school receiving applications for admission, and the university itself ranks nationally each year in the top one hundred universities nation-wide. This school was also the first to introduce an advanced three year bachelor's program.

Western Kentucky University

-This university's dental program is quite prestigious. This school has four different paths in their program: associate's degree, bachelor's degree, bachelor's degree (with focus on clinical teaching), and an online bachelor's degree. They also have their own clinic that allow on site, live practice.

St. Petersburg College

-This college is an affluent school that offers an associate's degree program and bachelor's degree program. This BS program is only offered to already licensed oral hygienist and has no clinical or classroom training.  All work will be completed through online assignments.

The dental hygienist schools listed previously are all considered to be the top schools for this field of study. For any person that is looking to become a dental assistant, they should look into one of the schools listed above.

Information on What Dental Hygienist Schools Are Offering

Those who wish to have a career as an oral hygienist can get formal education from dental hygienist schools.. Dental hygiene has grown into a minefield of jobs and the U.S. governmental report released recently explicitly tells us that by 2018, demand for oral hygienists is likely to grow as much as 36%. In response to this growing demand, several new hygienist schools are opening annually. These schools offer advanced hygiene courses.

Associate degrees in dental programs are offered by many technical schools and community colleges. If one desires to work in a private practice alone, then these associated degrees might just be enough. For those who want to expand their horizon by working in other fields like public health or pursue a career in teaching oral health care, they should contemplate on obtaining a bachelor's degree from an accredited university. Though obtaining the bachelor's degree takes longer than an associate degree, it certainly has additional merits of long-lasting nature that can be felt in your career as well as the expected income you will be rewarded with.

People who have one year college experience or have done the university coursework in the specified field are allowed to join the bachelor's program or master's program at dental hygienist schools. In some universities, it is obligatory that the student has required the specified number of credits in the correct subjects to be able to join this program. The course spans over several semesters and includes both lecture components and laboratory work. Bachelor's and master's programs are unique in that they offer a multitude of employment opportunities along with the respect and the degrees to the people who have finished them successfully. Once they graduate, students can either continue studying or seek employment in their chosen sector.

In dental hygienist schools, students acquire the knowledge and skills they need in order to become good oral hygienist. They are also required to conduct clinical research. These schools' curriculum ensures that people who have studied the respective coursework come out in flying colors equipped with the knowledge to perform their professional roles with efficiency and in accordance with the associated state laws and regulations.

The basic curriculum of dental hygienist schools consist of subjects such as nutrition, preclinical hygiene, dental anatomy, pathology, radiology, microbiology, pharmacology, and lab procedures. Schools differ from the courses they offer, but their goal is the same: to make sure the students are ready to work as oral hygienists in an professional and ethical manner. Preventive oral health care is the primary concern of a oral hygienist and the students are encouraged to study the practices associated with it. The students also learn how to share their knowledge on oral health to others. Basically, they act as dental health educators.

One need not stop their oral health education with the formal degrees earned from the dental hygienist schools alone. The oral hygienist profession has numerous optional career paths that are left to be explored; unless one is ready to face challenges and deliberately experiment in the environment external to a dentist's office, these pathways cannot be found. A person's academic degree has a lot to do with the jobs he is qualified for and the income he can earn. People who have successfully completed these hygienist programs are being successfully employed in health departments, public health, schools, dental clinics, research organizations and state prisons.

Information on Financial Aids and Grants for Dental Hygienist Schools

During the last decade alone, the country has seen a significant increase in the number of dental hygienist schools opening up. Along with the increase in number of schools is the increase in number of people wanting to get into these schools. People have started to understand the importance of oral hygiene in their lives and how it can bestow them the perfect smile they seek. They have come to rely on oral hygienists to give them great teeth and a beautiful smile. As a result, oral hygienists have become among the most in demand dental professionals.

Those wanting to be oral hygienists should enroll in accredited dental hygienists schools offering dental programs. It usually takes 2 to 4 years to complete a program. How long it takes would depend on the course you choose. Aside from being time consuming and physically tiring, the courses are expensive. Dental hygienist schools charge you dearly for their academic programs and even if you succeed in acquiring the available scholarships, you still have to pay lump sum amounts to that the scholarships do not always cover completely. Fees like tuition fees, books prices, and other miscellaneous fees associated with these oral hygiene programs can easily dent one's wallet and often, individuals are forced to take huge student loans to finish these courses.

If you have the necessary qualifications but are unable to support your academic study financially, then you can apply for a dental hygienist grant. Many dental hygienist schools have scholarships, aids, and other financial assistance programs in place for those who need them. One should consult their school's financial aid department to find out the details associated with this support.

However, obtaining these grants is not easy as they are few in number and not all colleges and universities offer them. The competition for these grants is stiff, and unless you are qualified and can distinguish yourself from other students, you aren't likely to obtain this type of financial aid. Some dental hygienist schools offer these grants to whoever applies first. So before you enroll in a dental school, find out about its scholarship programs and how to apply for them. If you manage to obtain a scholarship or grant, it can ease your financial burden. You'll be able to focus on your studies.

Because oral hygienists tend to be highly paid, it's possible to pay off school loans in just a few years. Each year, the American Dental Health Association offers scholarships to those who meet the prerequisites. The grant amount is usually determined by the student's qualifications. Grants are from $1,000 to $2,000 and this is usually directly transferred to the financial aid department of the school that the student is enrolled in. 

Dental hygienist schools give several types of grants. Students need to devote time looking over these grants and finding the best one for them. Students can also explore outside funding. There are popular companies in the dental care industry that offer grants to aspiring oral hygienists. Colgate, Palmolive, and P&G are some of the big companies that offer grants to deserving students. Then there are grants that are exclusively for students in the minority. It is a move to get such students interested in the dental care field. One might have to apply several months in advance for these grants so that their application gets accepted in the appropriate time for the upcoming school year.